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Bill Organizer
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Bill Tracking
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Monthly Bills
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Organizer: Details
BILL ORGANIZER separates information for each month on a separate worksheet as a printable monthly bills form You can easily tell where you are either by the Month/Year at the very top of the worksheet or the highlighted tab at the bottom of the screen. Each month has a Details area on the left side where you enter the Description, Typical, Arrive, Due, Arr., Actual, and Paid. By inputting information in each column you can see how to record monthly bills in this printable monthly bills form.
Description Typical arrive due Arr. Actual Paid

This column holds the name of the bill that needs to be paid. The first description is setup as Monthly Income. It is the description for the total amount for the month that will be used to pay all of the monthly expenses. One of the convenient features of BILL ORGANIZER is that you only have to enter the descriptions once. When the next month is created all of the descriptions that you entered will be carried over.

This column holds your best guess of the amount of the bill that you will receive. Housing may be a constant from month-to-month and so would rarely need to be adjusted. Your electric bill may change up or down depending on the season of the year so you may need to change the estimate when you start a new month. When the next month is created the Typical amount will be carried over.

This is the day of the month when you expect to receive the bill. Most of them come about the same time each month. When the next month is created the Arrive day will be carried over.

This is the day when the payment must reach the company that you owe. This is a good day to track over several months because some companies have been known to shorten this “grace” period so they can get payment sooner and making it more likely that you will be late with your payment incurring a late fee. When the next month is created the Due day will be carried over.

You put an X in this column when the corresponding bill arrives. This confirms that you did receive the bill.

This is the amount due as stated on the bill that you received. This amount rounds to the nearest dollar so it may not display the exact amount of the bill but it is good for estimating future expenses.

This column holds the day when you actually pay the bill. If the bill is mailed, it will be the day the check was written and not the day the payment is actually posted. It is important to allow enough time for the check to arrive and be posted before the due date.



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